Insightful meeting on ways to foster actionable foresight 💡💡💡
🔶 On 22 January, in the wintry and beautiful city of Ghent, AHEAD brought together, in person and online, a remarkable group of people from the foresight unit of several EU and international organisations and agencies (JRC, EUROPOL, ENISA, EUDA, NATO, OECD, DGAP, SITRA) to share good practice and explore challenges based on their experience in conducting foresight studies and exercises.
🔶 The main aspects of the foresight process were discussed, with particular attention paid to issues relating to the implementation phase. Among a wide range of topics, were tackled the identification of experts (and how to assess whether there is enough expertise in the room), the analysis of technological trends, the involvement of end-users from the outset and how to foster a forward-looking mindset, the decisive character represented by the person who initiates the foresight request, the need for success stories and monitoring of implementation, the type of results, the importance of convincingly communicate foresight results …
🔶 The meeting was a success, with presentations and discussions very rich in content!
🔶 Many thanks are due to all the participants, from the invited organisations, the AHEAD consortium and DG HOME, for making the day so interesting and for giving a real feel of a foresight community (whose promotion is one of AHEAD’s key objectives)!