Key achievements of 2024

🎄 As 2024 is drawing to a close, the AHEAD consortium would like to wish you a very happy New Year! This year has brought significant progress in our collaborative efforts to design a foresight methodology adapted to the field of civil security.

Key achievements include:

🔅 An accurate benchmarking of identified foresight methods against best practices and the specific needs of EU civil security.
🔅 The development of a robust and tailored methodological foundation for the foresight framework that aligns with the specific requirements of EU civil security.
🔅 The design of a methodology to collaboratively identify and prioritize security-relevant topics then create scenarios for foresight analysis
🔅 An assessment of AI’s relevance and usefulness in creating foresight scenarios
🔅 The completion of two Foresight exercises, respectively in the “fight against crime and terrorism” and “border management” domains

We look forward to progressing our research and yielding more findings in 2025, working further towards actionable foresight for civil security practitioners!

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No. 101121338

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