AHEAD Steering Committee meeting

The AHEAD Steering Committee met in person at the Belgian Federal Police’s premises (Police belge), focusing on the foresight methodology designed and tested as part of the project, from identifying topics and scenarios, to thinking about criminal motivations and new uses of technology, to looking into the capabilities police forces need to deal with future threats. The day saw fruitful discussions with contributions from LEAs, researchers, members of the External Advisory Board and a JRC expert (European Commission) to develop actionable foresight for LEAs.

Ministère de l’Intérieur et des Outre-merSisäministeriö – Inrikesministeriet – Ministry of the Interior, FinlandPolismyndighetenUPPERIONFORTH GRUniversiteit Gent

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No. 101121338

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