AHEAD kick-off meeting

AHEAD kick-off meeting took place in Ghent on 11 and 12 October, bringing together all the consortium, including members of the advisory boards.
This traditional European project event was also an opportunity to explore from the outset collaborative links with representatives from sister projects (ENACT, DIREKTION, EU-CIP) and foresight experts from the Europol Innovation Lab and JRC, and to quick-start work thanks to productive Workshops on Day 2 of the event.

AHEAD project is of significant importance, it will provide decision-makers with effective tools to face current challenges and counter potential threats to the best of their ability.

Stay tuned for more information on the project’s upcoming activities and promising outcomes !

Ministère de l’Intérieur et des Outre-mer Poliisi – Polisen – Police of Finland Sisäministeriö – Inrikesministeriet – Ministry of the Interior, Finland Ministerio del Interior Universiteit Gent UPPERION Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser Swedish Police Authority Ministério da Justiça State police of Latvia Bundesministerium für Inneres (BMI) CIVIPOL

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No. 101121338

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