AHEAD workshop in Stockholm

Bringing Law Enforcement Perspectives to the Forefront : A Glimpse into the AHEAD workshop in Stockholm.

AHEAD is soon completing its 1st foresight cycle with yesterday’s workshop bringing together officers from law enforcement agencies (LEAs) specialized in online policing and whose operational insights will be applied to several potential future scenarios.

Yesterday’s clear objective : ensuring that the project’s findings accurately reflect the realities faced by LEAs and align with their needs and expectations.

To achieve this, participants engaged in an interactive session where they analyzed and supplemented a set of scenarios developed by a multi-disciplinary team of experts (including sociologists, economists, digital players, and legal experts), reflected on potential criminal opportunities prior to assessing LEAs’ existing response capabilities to these emerging threats.

By actively involving civil society experts and operational police officers, the AHEAD project ensures that its findings are not merely theoretical but grounded in the practical realities of the frontlines of online policing.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No. 101121338

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